Monday, March 22, 2010

Wedding Crashers: Japan Edition


Today I made a trip to Kamakura, a town that’s about an hour and a half’s train ride from Nishi Kawaguchi. I’ve never been to Kamakura before, nor have I read much on it, so I wasn’t sure what to look for or what to expect. Once I arrived at the station, I stepped out and just wandered around until I found something interesting. I found a pedestrian street with shops that reflect that older style with awnings and curtains. After a bit of wandering, I came across a very large temple and went to explore. What did I stumble upon?

A wedding! I wasn’t sure at first whether I should stick around and watch/take pictures, but a lot of other people who weren’t in the wedding party were doing so, so I figured it was all right. I watched the entire ceremony as the priest and priestess served ceremonial sake to the couple and gave proper respects to the main temple. Fun fact: Japanese brides wear head-covers to hide their “horns of jealousy.”

Once the wedding was over, I wandered the grounds a little more before returning to the station to catch a bus to the 大仏 (literally, “big Buddha”).

Seriously, this thing is huge. It’s 200 yen to get in to see him, and you can pay an extra 20 yen to go inside Buddha.

And here we have Chibisuke in part of Emily's cosplay. He looks very displeased, but he sure is cute. :) For more pictures of the wedding and Kamakura, check out my Photobucket page.

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