Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Walking on Air


No pictures today, but I think this has been the best day ever. Along with my internship, I get three lessons with some of the artists that work for Manga University. Today was my first lesson with Okura Atsuhisa, an award-winning manga artist. The night before, Glenn and Mari asked me what my drawing level was, and I responded that I felt I was at an intermediate level, which they relayed to Okura-san. I brought a few of my drawings to the lesson to give him a better idea, and Mari later relayed to me that he thinks I’m far above intermediate.

He then proceeded to give me a lesson in drawing male figures, something I’ve always struggled with. He asked me what poses or specifics I wanted to know and he drew them out carefully for me. Everything from basic body structure to differences in facial structure as the character ages. He then gave me a brief lesson on the female figure, taking some of my own drawings and showing me how they could be improved.

Okura-san will be giving me a lesson in screen tones next week, and so he decided to give me an introduction today. He gave a brief demonstration and then let me try for myself. It took a couple minutes, but I thought I got the hang of it rather quickly. Mari returned and revealed to me that Okura-san was very impressed by how fast I had caught on the to screen tone application method. He’s taught nearly a hundred students (both Japanese and foreign) and apparently none of them picked it up as quickly as I did. According to Mari, he was so impressed that he would consider me as an assistant, something he’s never done before with interns. This information had me blushing and repeatedly bowing my head with multiple murmurings of ありがとうございます.

After the lesson, Okura-san volunteered to take me to Shinjuku to go shopping for art supplies. It was in the lower forties today, which is quite cold for locals in Tokyo. As such, when Mari revealed to Okura-san how cold it gets in Minnesota, he was shocked. We were quite the pair as we stepped out into the street: He in his puffy down coat, thick scarf and gloves, shivering against the cold while I was in only a sweatshirt with the front zipper undone and a scarf, completely unbothered.

“Are you really okay like that?” He asked me in Japanese.

“Yes, yes, I’m perfectly fine,” I reassured with a smile.

We went to Shinjuku to the art supply store where he helped me pick out paper and screen tones to practice with. While we were in line to pay, he watched me carefully and I could tell that he was going to jump in if I didn’t have enough money to pay for everything (Luckily I did, so I didn’t have to inconvenience him). Afterwards, he brought me to a 42-year old ramen shop where I was introduced to the most delicious ramen I have ever had (Mari gave me some money so I could treat Okura-san). Large chunks of meat, noodles, cabbage, and other vegetables in a tasty broth = pure ramen heaven.

While we were walking between stations and shops, we spoke in a mess of Japanese and English. He asked me what I was studying at school, how long I would be in Japan, how long I had been drawing, etc. I asked him what made him start drawing and told him the differences between Tokyo and New York trains. After dinner, he made sure I got to the right platform at Shinjuku station before we parted ways.

Today has been absolutely wonderful, and if it were socially acceptable in Japan, I would have been dancing on that train ride home. I have been drawing anime and manga since I was nine years old, and have been told by art teachers multiple times “You can’t do that,” “That’s not real art,” etc. To hear that an award-winning artist thinks so highly of me is humbling and thrilling all at once. It feels so good to finally be accepted and recognized by someone who works professionally in an artistic position, and I feel so blessed to have this internship opportunity.

Tomorrow morning, Mari and I will be going to an elementary school so I can sit in on a class and practice some easy Japanese before we go into the office. My afternoon/evening adventure location for tomorrow has yet to be decided, but I’ve narrowed it down to Nakano, Ginza, or Roppongi Hills. We’ll just wait and see how tomorrow fairs out. Tonight I will sleep peacefully with a wide smile on my face.


  1. Oh, the Minnesota weather...impressing everyone, from New York to Japan. I'm glad you had such an awesome day! (Also, I love looking at all your pictures, especially the clothes and shoes!)

  2. You are blessed; with talent and intelligence! Use them wisely and congratulations on your achievements. Finally you have been validated for your passions and your talent! Praise God!

    Love you muchly and hugging you cyberly! ((()))

